The Penalty Loop Biathlon Podcast

Join Jordan Gottschalk and regular guest RJ Weise in a discussion on the world of biathlon

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About Us

Jordan Gottschalk from Penalty Loop and RJ Weise from Biathlon Analytics break down the world of biathlon, focusing primarily on the IBU World Cup, but touching on a few other important areas as well. In the summer months we interview athletes, coaches and other people related to biathlon, with a main focus on understanding life of an athlete, coach, etc. in the IBU World.

All this with a little structure, but mostly our own unique spin based on the history and data of biathlon.

Hopefully you’ll enjoy it! If there is anything in particular you would like us to talk about or you have any help critiques we would love to hear it on social media (Jordan on Twitter - Jordan on Instagram -  RJ on Twitter - RJ on Instagram


Friday Jul 21, 2023

We caught up with former biathlete from the Canadian national team AND our first ever summer guest on the podcast, Scott Gow. We hear from him what keeps him busy these days, how he transitions from athlete to a "normal person". We get interrupted by another surprise former biathlete, we talk IBU and biathlon developments and there's more that you just don't want to miss!
We also talk about two projects Scott is currently involved in, for which you can find the links below.
Enjoy the episode! (and yes, episode 67 is still planned to happen at some point!)
Jordan & RJ
Rise Above: Training for Excellence
Nordic Ski Lab:

Monday Jul 03, 2023

Come celebrate Canada Day with us as we are joined for a delightful interview with Canadian star Emma Lunder! We hear all about her journey from small town Canada to the World Cup. Then we focus in on her amazing 22-23 breakout season and the secret that made it all possible. We also get to hear more about being in a relationship with a fellow World Cup athlete with all the details you want to know like “Where is the best World Cup stop for a date night?” And “Who is the better cook Emma or Christian.” We also touch on the wild biathlon baby boom that just keeps in giving us more joy! All in all it’s a great time and a wonderful way to kick off our summer interviews! 
* You did not miss episode 67, it's still in the making!

Saturday Jun 10, 2023

The Return of the Penalty Loop Podcast! We're back and go over the news, both personal and biathlon, as a lot has happened since we last recorded.
We hope you enjoy hearing us again as much as it was to record again!

Episode 65 - KetchUp

Friday Apr 21, 2023

Friday Apr 21, 2023

As we are still awaiting a Floridian family member increase, Jordan and I had a quick chat about things happening in the biathlon world, what we are working on, and what's coming in the summer.

Monday Apr 03, 2023

In this week's episode we start off by talking a little biathlon news. Not a lot this week but we give a big THANK YOU to Biathlon23 for all of he work he has done the last 10 years and we wish him a restful year away from blogging. We also give some quick takes on the Norwegian 2023-2024 team announcement from this week. Then after teasing it for weeks, we FINALLY take a look at the Junior World Championships. We look at some athletes that we'll be keeping a close eye on the next few seasons. We finish up with an examination the u25 and try to tackle the question "Are they better now than they used to be?" 
Please check out RJ's (@biathlonanalyt1) data. This will help out a lot when listening and you can definitely lose an hour or two getting into the numbers!
Blue Bibbers:

Monday Mar 27, 2023

Read all about it! The new Penalty Loop Podcast Daily Paper!
We take a bit of a different spin on the 2022/23 season review but with some expected topics as well of course! Globe winners, the season in numbers, missing athletes, clean shooters, streak shooters, improving nations, up & coming athletes, lots of data, lots of fun!

Monday Mar 20, 2023

In sadly our last weekend recap of the season we take a look back at an enormously eventful weekend of racing in Oslo! We discuss the enthusiastic retirement ceremonies, the wild finish to the Men's u25 Globe race, the successful last weekends of Herrmann-Wick, Roeiseland, and Chevalier-Bouchet, Hanna Oeberg closing strong, the great success of our Friends of the Pod this weekend and more! Don't worry, our 2022-2023 season recap is coming soon!

Monday Mar 13, 2023

We got together immediately after the racing finished up in beautiful Oestersund to discuss another thrilling weekend of racing. Dorothea Wierer completed her best weekend in several season while the races on the men's side were wide open! We touch on the amazing young talent rising in the sport from Italy, France, Switzerland and more while the elder statesmen like Wierer and Roeiseland...and Eder?...continue to shine. We did briefly discuss a really fun week at the Junior Worlds where 15 nations made the podium! Finally we pick a few athletes we hope to see climb the podium in Oslo!

Thursday Mar 09, 2023

RJ's home range at the Canmore Nordic Centre hosted the final two IBU Cups of the season, and the Penalty Loop crew was there three days for track-side sounds, interviews, chats, pictures, videos, and sadly some mixed feelings about only being there for 50%. Luckily we had a good time catching up afterward, and fingers crossed both our families will be there next year.
We want to thank the following athletes, officials, and biathlon enthusiasts who came over to chat or were kind enough to be interviewed:
Shilo Rousseau - shilo_rousseauGillian Gowling - gilliangowlingZoe Pekos - zoe_pekosDanika Burke - danika.burke
Erdal, Karoline - karolineerdalEnodd, Jenny - jennyenodd
Chris Gomez Mateos - chris_gomez_mRaul Antonio Figueroa - thetacotales
Philip HornP - hoernle__
Emilien Claude - emilien_claudeAndreas Hechenberger - andihechei
Sophia - biathlon_yukon
Clare Egan - clareeganbiathlete
And a gig thanks to all volunteers, Canmore Biathlon, and Biathlon Canada for a fantastic event and preview of more to come next year!
PS: sorry about the loud wind sounds during some of the recordings. I tried to remove them but it would take away some of the speakers as well.

Monday Mar 06, 2023

Another amazing week of biathlon and another week of amazing crowds! We take a look back at everything that happened in an eventful week of IBU World Cup biathlon including: Latvia and Baiba Bendika on the podium! COVID impacts, Jacquelin stepping away, JT Boe's record season, Tarjei Boe looking like Tarjei Boe, Roeiseland back and Tandrevold looking tremendous, and so much more!


Welcome to the Penalty Loop Podcast

The brilliant RJ Weise of BiathlonAnalytics and I have launched what will eventually be a weekly podcast! We'll do our best to break down the world of biathlon, focusing primarily on the IBU World Cup, but touching on a few other important areas as well. Our hope is to try to discuss the important topics of the day but to do so with our own unique spin. Hopefully you'll enjoy it! If there is anything in particular you would like us to talk about or you have any help critiques we would love to hear it. 

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